While NAC is an excellent tool for protecting your network from external threats, it has drawbacks, such as difficulty managing it and the need for extensive training. This article will address some of the advantages and disadvantages of NAC. Ultimately, NAC should be an essential part of your network security strategy. Read the rest of this article to learn what is network access control?.
NAC can protect your network from external threats
In IT, NAC is an excellent tool to keep your network safe from external threats. A NAC system controls access by requiring users to provide credentials before accessing network resources. This may be a password or a biometric scan. Once verified, NAC consults the local security policy to decide if a user can access network resources. Setting up an NAC system is not easy; it requires a thorough understanding of network hardware, users, and security policies. But with some best practices, you can simplify the process and achieve maximum results.
To implement an NAC system, establish permission policies for each user. This is vital because NAC cannot control who accesses network resources without the owner’s permission. This is not a one-time task – you must monitor network security operations and modify permission policies. No IT team wants to be caught off guard and exposed. That’s why an NAC tool is the best option.
Managing network access control is essential to ensure privacy and security standards compliance. Network security policies can be integrated into your HIPAA or GDPR compliance plans. These policies can provide proof that your network meets external standards. Pre-admission NAC technology evaluates users seeking to connect to your network, authenticates them, and stores their credentials in a secure database. Moreover, access protocols specify the requirements for access and can be complemented by third-party authentication via MFA.
It can be challenging to manage.
A reasonable network access control (NAC) solution should be able to integrate with an existing directory system and import permission policies. Each employee, partner, and vendor should have a NAC account. IT teams must monitor security operations and adjust permission policies. A properly designed solution will eliminate this concern.
It requires extensive training.
While network access control may be the best way to control who has access to sensitive information, it’s not foolproof. Without proper training, unauthorized users can take advantage of NAC to do some damage to your organization. For example, there are 360,000 malicious files downloaded by employees every single day. Without the proper access controls, an unauthorized user could accidentally turn a device into a rogue one. Furthermore, if an unauthorized user has the opportunity to download a malicious file, they could spread it throughout your entire network. Therefore, network access control is necessary to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information and intellectual property.
The rise in cybercrimes has prompted organizations to implement network access controls. Network access control reduces cyber threats by assigning a corresponding role to users. In addition to limiting the scope of malware, role-based access control helps prevent unauthorized users from connecting to your network. Its implementation requires extensive training, the proper certifications, and experience using the software. Professionals must also have extensive knowledge about security on wireless, certificate-based authentication, and directory database services. As with any security strategy, you are working with a reputable service provider is crucial.
In the modern world, security threats will only worsen with the rise of IoT (Internet of Things) and BYOD (bring your device) policies. In the age of cyberthreats, the most effective security solution is NAC. Visibility is a critical component in managing network access. Visibility enables network administrators to identify who has access and how to limit their access. When NAC is implemented correctly, you can restrict access to specific devices, applications, and networks.